Treat and Manage Scoliosis

Discover the New Approach That Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Osteopaths, and Movement Experts Are Using to Help Adolescents and Adults with Scoliosis

Discover The Approach That Osteopaths, Physiotherapists And Movement Experts Are Using To Help Adolescents And Adults With Scoliosis (Without Spending Days On Courses Away From Work and Family)

Who Can Learn the Scoliosis Correction Protocol?

This course is designed for movement professionals, including:

ChiropractorsOsteopathsPhysiotherapists/Physical TherapistsMassage TherapistsPersonal Trainers

If you are unsure whether your qualifications are suitable for this course, please
contact us.

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Online &

In Person

Online &

In Person

Online &

In Person

In Person

In Person

What is the Scoliosis Correction Protocol?

Scoliosis Management
Managing clients with scoliosis can be a challenge for many therapists and coaches. It doesn’t matter if you are a physical therapist, osteopath, chiropractor or a pilates teacher scoliosis management just isn’t taught well at school.

The Scoliosis Correction Protocol offers practitioners an easy-to-follow exercise and manual therapy program for managing adult scoliosis.

Types of Curve

The course focuses on the management of the 4 main types of scoliotic curves (2 x S-shape and 2 x C-shape).

Through demonstration and case studies, each participant will gain a better understanding of the natural history of scoliosis, how to identify it, how to manage it with exercise and how to use a manual therapy approach with their patients.

3 Dimensional Movements

Each participant will learn different strategies of how to influence the mobility, strength and endurance of the spine using 3 dimensional movements.
In addition they will be instructed on how to develop a plan of care for management of the patient with scoliosis to help slow down, stop or even reduce the progression of adult scoliosis.

Objectives and Goals

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

*Identify the 4 main types of scoliosis on an x-ray.
*Assess for scoliosis using the Adam’s test and track with a scolimeter.
*Identify and apply different exercises in each of the 3 main planes of movement to create mobility , strength and endurance in the scoliotic spine.
*Apply functional hands-on therapy to enhance mobility using 3D concepts.
*Select appropriate whole body-based exercises for people looking to improve general fitness without impacting their scoliosis.
*Create and deliver a structured and individualized home exercise program

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